The Full Critique, but without submitting
Sign up for a full critique of your work from a qualified reader. We vet our readers carefully, and have chosen those who are gifted at and enthusiastic about the critique process.
With a full critique you will receive an editorial letter that details your story or essay's strengths and potential next steps. This category is for a detailed analysis of your work. If you would like to submit your work for publication, please use the Fiction or Flash categories above.
If your story is:

  • 1-1,499 words (i.e., flash fiction), the price for a full critique is $50
  • 1,500 to 4,999 words, the price for a full critique is $60.
  • 5,000 to 6,000 words, the price for a full critique is $72.
  • 6,000+ words: We can consider longer pieces depending on workload. Please contact us for specific pricing and authorization before selecting.

Response time will be between four and eight weeks, depending on workload.

Here’s what submitters who chose the full critique had to say:

  • “Your comments inspired me to roll my sleeves back up and get to work. I didn’t realize this until now, but on some level I’ve been worrying about the very thing you pointed out.” 
  • “Thank you for this incredibly helpful review of my work. You have helped me see how to pare down the content and pursue the central theme.”
  • “Thank you so much for your comprehensive and thoughtful critique of my story. You've given me much to think about. I appreciate your directness and candor and am eager to take on the challenges you've laid out.” 

To receive a full critique, please select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.